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Dry mouth affects millions of Americans every year, and for those who are unaware of this common dental problem, the results can cause serious health problems. Now, our team doesn’t want to see your health suffer, which is why today we are going to give you some basic information on this condition and how you can treat it in the future.

What is dry mouth? 

Dry mouth occurs when your mouth doesn’t produce enough saliva, or spit, making the inside of your dry and uncomfortable.

What causes dry mouth? 

There are several reasons behind what can cause dry mouth. Here are some of the reasons behind what causes dry mouth:

  • Medications – There are certain medications that cause the mouth to dry out.
  • Certain diseases and infections – Dry mouth may be a side effect to various medical conditions such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, cystic fibrosis or HIV/AIDS.
  • Smoking or chewing tobacco can affect how much saliva you make, aggravating dry mouth.
  • Dehydration, caused by excessive sweating, blood loss, burns or fever, can result in dry mouth.

How can I treat dry mouth? 

The good news is dry mouth can be treated! There are several treatment options you can incorporate into your life to help produce saliva. These options include: Sipping on water or sugar-free drinks often, avoiding caffeinated drinks such as tea, coffee and some sodas, chewing sugarless gum or sucking a sugar-free hard candy to stimulate saliva production and flow, stop using tobacco or alcohol, both of which can dry out the mouth quickly or using a humidifier at night can help keep the air in your bedroom moist, improving saliva production.

Don’t let dry mouth be in control of your life, contact our office today at 714-635-1021 with your questions about dry mouth and whether or not it has affected your teeth or mouth.